Happy Monday y'all! I know this might sound a bit controversial, but Mondays are one of my favorite weekdays... I know, I know, just hear me out!
Although the week technically starts on Sunday, Monday is (usually) the first day of our outdated 40-hour work weeks. It is what most associate with a restart, reboot, and rebirth. And although most drag this comparison because they're thinking of the work and responsibilities ahead, today I challenged you to view it as the reboot you've been praying for. The reboot to your new life- a better life! Today is your opportunity to start new, be whoever you want to be moving forward; to set your intentions and go for them!

How many times did we wish as kids, that pens and color pencils were erasable? Think of Monday as your Magic Eraser! You colored outside the lines last week? No problem, here you go, erase those mistakes and move forward with the whole picture.
Now, keep in mind that the picture also includes down time, relaxation, and "me" time. As you're filling in your calendar, make sure you pencil in blocks of joy and euphoric sensations, such as the one our Godsend Rose Sucker offers. It is no surprise this incredible invention sits at #5 of the Top 5 Toys you should have handy this week. Just look at the raving reviews!
"This is the best toy I’ve used so far. It feels amazing and gets me 'right' every time. It’s honestly almost addictive lol. My boyfriend loves it as well" -Kierra
At #4 this week, we have the Snail Vibe double-head vibrator. Its unique build sets it apart from all competition. There is no other vibrator like it in the market. The snail inspired shape gives it its synchro stimulation feature and "vibrating power of a wand massager, the insertion depth of a dildo, and the dual stimulation of a rabbit vibrator." How does it work, you ask? Simple. The vibrator shaft is suitable for both short and deep thrusts, catering to individual preferences, while the clitoris stimulator has a wider range of impact than traditional rabbit toys. The Snail Vibe ensures constant contact between the vibrator and the clitoris while using the toy.
We're all about duality this week, and thus have ranked the Lacy G-spot Vibrator & Clit Tongue Licker as #3 in This Week's top 5 Toys. With 9 different modes of vibration and 9 different modes of licking, there isn't much else to say about this delicacy of a toy. That's it. Get yourself eaten out 9 different ways, ladies.

We're getting closer! At #2, we got a treat: The Suction Sucking Tongue Vibrator. The purpose of this hand-held wand is to suck you dry, in the best possible way. However, if you're afraid you won't get anything else for your money, don't worry it does do more than give you the most magical sucking experience of your life. The vibrator is also capable of hitting your often unattended G-spot with its massaging, pulsating head. There's literally nothing like this baby.
And finally, we've reached #1. *drum roll please* You probably guessed it, the beloved, desired, precious, Celestia G-Spot and Clitoral Vibrator. This was man's best gift to women. The Celestia reaches your G-spot and vibrates against it as rough or soft as you like while simultaneously stimulating your clitoris in ways you didn't know possible. Lying down works like with any other toy, but if you're ready for the most "wtf" orgasm of your life, get up and lean against your bed with one leg up against it. I promise you, you'll cum in 2 minutes and stand there on top of your waterfall's endresult wondering how and when it happened.

So excited to have have shared this list with you, and more importantly, to be a part of your Monday! Let us know, have you or will you try any of these? Do you agree with our list, or are there any other products you would rank higher?
As always, we love to connect with you and hear from you!