I'm sure the thought of having sex with a new partner comes up often before a first date, especially before the first date after a break up. Will it be good? Will it be worthwhile? Will I be any good, have I lost my mojo? Is it too soon? Millions of questions can invade the mind over something, that honestly, does not have to be a big deal if you don't want it to be. According to a study done in 2019, more than 30% of men fell in love after having sex on the first date while 56% of women have had sex with their partner after the first date. About 36% of women and 34% of men found themselves in an exclusive relationship post first-date sex. So if relationship is your concern, the numbers are in your favor.

You see, in my opinion at least, days of "waiting" are long gone, for most at least. Society, thankfully, has become more comfortable with sexuality and the act of having or speaking about sex less taboo. It seems like there's this understanding that being open about your sexuality, or sexual desires, has zero indication of promiscuity. It's okay to want to wait 'till marriage, or to be in a committed relationship, or 2nd or 3rd date, but it's also okay to go ahead and jump each other's bones on the first date too. The beautiful thing about the society we live in is the freedom to express ourselves. As more people become comfortable with the idea of change and difference in life and mindset, the more comfortable individuals become showing and acting as who they truly are.

If you are one that still worries about what other think, think about this: the same study mentioned above also found that 17% of women said they would think less of someone if they had sex on the first night, while 11% of men admitting to thinking so. If you're a woman reading this, again, statistics are on your side. Not only are the chances of a man thinking less of you lower, but they're marginal to begin with. And even if a man does think less of you, or men even if a woman thinks less of you, why do you care?

We are here to live, learn, and LIVE. Yes, I said it twice, because that should be your focus! Live life the way YOU want to, not the way others expect you to. I mean, don't go breaking any laws, but there's no law against having sex when YOU want to (with the all parties' consents, of course) :)
And if your first date sex leads to a relationship, make sure to check out our most trendy blog post, "How To Keep Your Sex Life Alive After Years Together"
Like always, feel free to email me your thoughts (n.greco@adultluxe.com) and follow us on IG (@adultluxe)!
Ta-ta babes,