When I decided to look into today’s topic, I was sure I knew what to expect based on previous personal encounters. However, I was far from the truth. I once asked a man about incorporating toys and/or props into the bedroom, and his response, “No, natural is better,” or something along those lines. I knew it was his ego hurting, afraid that a tiny pink vibrator would emasculate him and please me more than he ever could, but I let it go. I accepted his response and never brought up, assuming all men thought this way.
Thus, my original plan for this blog post was to explain to women why men are so intimidated by our adult toys and convince men how fun they can actually be.
As it turns out, the majority of men are more comfortable with the idea of sex toys in the bedroom, making my job much easier. Women, settle down, grab your coffee, and prepare to be amazed. Men, read on and realize your thoughts are more common than you expected!

A study done by Reece et al. found that 94% of men that use vibrators had used it during foreplay with a partner, and 82% used it during intercourse. In fact, on a personal survey I conducted, 100% of voting men agreed they would use a sex toy with their partner while 59% revealed they would buy a male toy (you go boys!). Sex is about pleasure, for both partners. The days of a man’s orgasm being of superior significance to a woman’s are long gone, and toys are the perfect bridge between the orgasmic gaps.
While 95% of men orgasm through penetration alone, only 57% of women do. Doesn’t sound too fair to me, does it to you? Dudes, it’s time to take care of your women’s needs. If your ego is getting in the way of her pleasure, be assure it will get in the way of your relationship as well. But also, remember that you matter too! Today’s industry includes plenty of options for your pleasure as well.
While most are familiar with vibrators and rings, meant for a woman’s pleasure, they can bring you to new levels of orgasms as well. Have you ever watched your partner take care of themselves? Have you ever assisted? Imagine the heat that can build up during that type of foreplay. Have you ever tried vibrating about 100 times per second, have you tried it during penetration? If your 2 strokes per second have you moaning, what would 100 feel like? Now imagine a toy that’s actually built for a man’s pleasure. Yes, they exist! Our Lifelike Latina Masturbation Bullet and Private Tube Alexa Tomas Stroker, for instance, are meant for your pleasure alone. They’re penetration simulators that will keep your hands, and sheets, mess free.
The Male Prostate Massage Cockring Plug, however, is an example of a toy meant for you (if you’re a man reading this) but that can be used with a partner while having fun in the sheets – or the floor, or shower.

Men, women have no shame in pleasuring themselves with a silicone device, and neither should you! Significant others, encourage your men to try new things and explore the world of possibilities that comes with a few toys. But don’t trust me, I’m just a female exploring her own adventures, instead, trust the experts you (men) follow so dearly at GQ- they have some fascinating opinions and tips.
Until next time, Sexies!