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Erotic Foods and Aphrodisiacs

Emily Ray |

Many people have explored how foods have an effect on their sex life. Some people like foods that are sweet and flavorful, like cherries. In addition to setting up an ambience, many people claim that foods have certain qualities that enhance libido and promote fertility and romance. Promoting healthy reproductive organs is also on the list of things that some of these foods have been said to do. Whether you are looking to increase stamina, reduce stress, or attract your partner to you, these are some of the foods that people claim to have an overall effect on libido. Regardless of whether this is the case or it is a placebo effect, trying romance enhancing foods is highly recommended and tons of fun.

An aphrodisiac is a food that arouses erotic instinct, induces desire, and has been said to increase pleasure or sexual performance. Some people classify them into three different categories, including aphrodisiacs that increase libido, aphrodisiacs that increase pleasure, and aphrodisiacs that increase potency. There are some enzymes and vitamins that have these types of effects, which are found in some of these foods.

Almonds, for example, have been known as a fertility symbol for many years. Rich in essential fatty acids, other nutrients are also contained within. Artichokes, arugula, avocados, bananas, celery, cherries, chocolate, cinnamon, figs, ginger, olive oil, oysters, pomegranate, strawberries, truffles, and a wide range of other fruits are also on the list of most popular aphrodisiacs. Some people consider watermelon, vanilla, pumpkin, honey, chili peppers, basil, and other foods to be on the list as well. By incorporating these into your eating and while on dates, you could see some positive results.

Pair these foods up with some sexy lingerie and clothing, as well as sex toys from AdultLuxe and get ready for an adventure. Aphrodisiacs, at the minimum, provide for fantastic conversation starters with a loved one or partner. Show your partner you care with some new sex toys and put together a fantastic date featuring these foods. For many of the foods, you can feed them to your partner blindfolded for additional foreplay and romance.

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